Monday, July 9, 2007

Choice at Referral: Guidance Framework for 2007/8

This document provides best practice guidance for commissioners and providers on how the roll-out of free choice in elective care in 2007/8 will operate. It supplements existing guidance on choice at referral policy and implementation by setting out a framework to govern the further extension of choice in 2007/08.

(May 2007, 16 pages)

Getting the Basics Right: Final Report on the Care Closer to Home: Making the Shift

This document evaluates the NHS Institute’s Care Closer to Home Programme, which ran from November 2005 to March 2007. It identifies the factors that helped or hindered progress in shifting care outside hospital, and the lessons for the NHS from the experience of field test sites. The NHS Institute’s Care Closer to Home Programme
was established in 2005 to explore the scope for bringing about shifts in care within the NHS. Following an observation phase that ran from November 2005 to February 2006, the NHS Institute selected five healthcare communities to act as field test sites. In these five sites, 14 projects were identified to provide the focus for the programme.
This report summarises the main findings of the evaluation and the lessons for the NHS. It notes that almost all the 14 projects have started to test the scope for making shifts in care, with some getting underway more quickly than others.

(May 2007, 49 pages)

Delivering health services through Sure Start Children's Centres

The Government has set out its vision for a Sure Start Children's Centre in early community. Children's centres offer significant opportunities for improving children's health and ensuring that families are able to access the information, support and services they need to help their child to thrive and achieve their full potential. The purpose of this document is to increase PCTs awareness of the childrens’ centres agenda and the opportunities it provides.

(June 2007, 30 pages)

Practice Based Commissioning: A Practical Guide for LPCs

This document aims to help Local Pharmaceutical Committees think through the action they should be taking to assist community pharmacy contractors understand and engage with Practice Based Commissioning (PBC). As well as providing background information on the place of PBC in current policy, it provides practical suggestions.

Windmill 2007: The future of health care reforms in England

The NHS has undergone many reforms over the past decade. To test out where the reforms – and interactions between them – might lead the NHS, the King’s Fund formed a partnership with Loop2, Monitor and Nuffield Hospitals to produce Windmill 2007. This initiative included a two-day simulation of a fictional but realistic health economy from 2008 to 2011 and extensive discussions of the emerging findings from that event with clinicians, managers, policy-makers, regulators and analysts.

(June 2007, 80 pages)

A rational way forward for the NHS in England

This report sets out a rational way forward to secure the long-term future of the NHS in England. The main body is divided into two sections, on: a) where and why the reform programme is going wrong; b) the BMA’s rational way forward for health service reform in England.

(May 200, 82 pages)

New information source for commissioners

A Practice Based Commissioning (PBC) Comparators website is launched nationally this month. The benchmarking service uses existing data sources from The Information Centre and NHS Connecting for Health Secondary Uses Service, standardises it for population and breaks it down by GP practice to show activity and referral patterns and outcomes for a number of key conditions.

Commissioning conscious sedation services in primary dental care

This guidance provides advice on strategic commissioning of sedation services, together with advice on some transitional issues where PCTs have sought clarification of existing guidance. (June 2007, 14 pages)

Tuberculosis prevention and treatment

A toolkit to enable PCT commissioners plan and commission high-quality TB services for their local population. (June 2007, 60 pages)

Management on demand

This paper sets out the tools and levers now available for practice based commissioners to provide more services in the community.

Journal of Care Services Management 2007; 1 (3): 245-251

Palliative care provision

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a major cause of disability, morbidity and mortality in old age. Patients with advanced stage COPD are most likely to be admitted three to four times per year with acute exacerbations of COPD (AECOPD) which are costly to manage.

PCTs grapple with grey areas of GP-led commissioning

PBC has the potential to increase the quality and range of services available to patients, but PCTs must exercise caution to avoid conflicts of interest.

HSJ, 2007; 117 (6057): 14-15

Other documents or websites of interest

Health Management Specialist Library: Demand Management, referral from primary to secondary care

NHS Costing Manual: 2006-07

The National Framework for NHS Continuing Healthcare and NHS-funded Nursing Care

Focus On Commissioning - End of Life Care: A Commissioning Perspective

Estimating health and productivity gains in England from selected interventions

Dental Commissioning and Contract Monitoring - General Commissioning

Practice Based Commissioning (PBC) Bulletin 5 – Pharmacy and PBC

Commissioning News