Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Who pays? Establishing the responsible commissioner

Who Pays? Establishing the responsible commissioner sets out a framework for establishing responsibility for commissioning an individual's care within the NHS, i.e. determining who pays for a patient’s care. The legal framework relating to secondary care commissioning responsibilities for Primary Care Trusts(PCTs) is set out in regulations 3(7) to (10) of the National Health Service (Functions of Strategic Health Authorities and Primary Care Trusts and Administration Arrangements) (England) Regulations 2002 (S.I. 2002/2375) as amended by S.I. 2002/2548, 2003/1497, 2006/359 and 2007/559 (“the Functions Regulations”). This document is intended to provide guidance on the application of that legal framework to particular situations.

(Published September 2007, 32 pages)

Two new tools to help diabetes networks develop and improve their services

Two new tools to help diabetes networks develop and improve their services have been released by the National Diabetes Support Team (NDST). Developing a Diabetes Service: Using the Diabetes Commissioning Toolkit provides a systematic approach for everyone involved in diabetes networks on how to use the Diabetes Commissioning Toolkit. The second document is a supplement to the NDST's popular Beyond Boundaries Network Guide. Workforce Planning and Design offers step by step guidance for diabetes networks on workforce development.

(Published September 2007)

Reducing health inequalities for lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people - briefings for health and social care staff

Lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) people experience a number of health inequalities which are often unrecognised in health and social care settings. These briefings are intended to show that LGBT people can be younger, older, bisexual, lesbians, gay men, trans, from black and minority ethnic (BME) communities and disabled, and to dispel assumptions that they form a homogeneous group.

The briefings provide easy-to-read guidance for health and social care commissioners, service planners and frontline staff. They aim to inform the delivery of appropriate services and to support health and social care professionals in their everyday work with LGBT people by providing fundamental awareness and evidence of LGBT needs in relation to health.

(Published September 2007, 13 Briefings)

The NHS will require substantially higher levels of funding over next 20 years

The most comprehensive assessment to date of the unprecedented levels of funding invested by the government in the NHS over the past five years is published today by the King’s Fund.
Five years on from his seminal report for the Treasury which paved the way for the 50 per cent real terms increases in NHS spending since 2002, Sir Derek Wanless’ latest review for the King’s Fund examines how the extra money has been spent; what the NHS has achieved; whether the pace and direction of government reform has delivered value for money; and considers what lessons can be learned for the future.

(Published September 2007, 321 pages)

Royal Pharmaceutical Society: Practice Based Commissioning

Practice based commissioning (PBC) is an England-only initiative and is about engaging primary care professionals in the commissioning of services for patients within their health locality. Through PBC, front line clinicians are being provided with the resources and support to become more involved in commissioning decisions. This section of the website supports pharmacists in the implementation of practice based commissioning by providing access to a range of news, tools and guidance.

Anticipatory case management and practice-based commissioning

This case study describes how two of the government's key initiatives have been brought together to drive the integration agenda in Oxfordshire. Practice-based commissioning is being used in one English county to integrate health and social care practice, and so promote independent living in the community.

Journal of Integrated Care 2007; 15 (4): 13-19

Ask your local health librarian to locate this item for you.

Transferring assets to social enterprises - the perks and quirks

NHS organisations have a great opportunity when transferring assets to social enterprises – particularly with the scope afforded by NHS Estate code, the guidance on managing their estate for disposals other than sales at open market value. Jane Donnison explains.

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Other Documents

Community Matron Interventions

Probabilistic sensitivity analysis: an audit of current practice and a review of its use and value in decision making (HTA Project)

Dental Commissioning and Contract Monitoring: NEW! 17/9/07 Performance Management Tools Launched

Commissioning guides: a resource for healthcare commissioning (leaflet)

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