Thursday, November 13, 2008
World Class Commissioning and Audit Commission Auditors’ Local Evaluation (Use of Resources from 08/09)
This letter from Mark Britnel, Director General of Commissioning & System Management, and Andy McKeon, Managing Director of Health, Audit Commission, outlines how the Audit Commission Auditors’ Local Evaluation (Use of Resources from 08/09) will provide a basis to help PCTs develop under the World Class Commissioning assurance system.
(Published November 2008, 2 pages)
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9:55 AM
Keywords: Audit, Health Service Economics, Quality, Resource Management, Resource Utilisation, Volume 3 Issue 11, World Class Commissioning
Three new NICE Commissioning Guides
The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) has published three new commissioning guides to help the NHS in England effectively commission evidence-based care for patients. The guides cover services for:
- Accurate diagnosis of the epilepsies in adults
- Antenatal and postnatal mental health
- Peer support for women who breastfeed
- Obits media with effusion
- Patient education for people with type 2 diabetes
- Smoking cessation for people having elective surgery
- Diagnosis and initial management of stroke
- Diagnosis and initial management of transient ischaemic attack
Tutorial for using commissioning tool.
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9:53 AM
Keywords: Activity, Antenatal Assessment, Benchmarking, Breast Feeding, Commissioning, Epilepsy, Financial Management, Mental Health, Postnatal Care, Tools, Volume 3 Issue 11
Mental Health Act Briefing: Children & Young People
As of November 3 2008, PCT and children’s trust commissioners will need to be aware that they have a new legal duty under sections 39 and 140 of the Mental Health Act 2007 to inform the courts and local authorities where beds and facilities for under 18 year olds have been (or could be) commissioned. Children under the age of 16 should not be placed on adult wards at all by December 1.
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9:52 AM
Keywords: Children, Legislation, Mental Health, Volume 3 Issue 11, Young People
Taking the long term view: the Department of Health’s strategy for delivering sustainable development 2008-2011
It is vital that the Department of Health commits to the issue of sustainable development for the long-term. The case for doing so is clear; we must ensure that by delivering better care and well-being for present generations, we are also ensuring that we are contributing to a strong and healthy society for generations of the future.
(Published October 2008, 57 pages)
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9:51 AM
Keywords: Sustainability, Volume 3 Issue 11
NHS must rise to technology challenge
The NHS is failing to make it more convenient for the public to receive the care they need, by not making use of everyday technology and innovation that consumers would welcome, say two new reports by The King's Fund.
(Published October 2008)
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9:50 AM
Keywords: Consumer Participation, Information Technology, NHS, Volume 3 Issue 11
Commissioning IAPT for the whole community: Improving Access to Psychological Therapies
This document is intended to assist commissioners (including practice-based commissioners), to deliver Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) services that are effective and appropriate for the whole community, using innovative ways of meeting the needs of local people. It is drawn from the work of the IAPT special interest groups (SIGs).
(Published November 2008)
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9:49 AM
Keywords: Commissioning, Practice Based Commissioning, Primary Care, Psychological Therapies, Volume 3 Issue 11
Improving outcomes in cardiovascular disease; a guide for practice-based commissioners
This timely guidance reviews the evidence base for promoting prevention and optimising treatment in CVD. It then outlines how PBC groups can use savings to fund a more systematic approach to the management of CVD in primary care.
(Published September 2008, 20 pages)
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9:48 AM
Keywords: Cardiovascular Disease, Practice Based Commissioning, Primary Care, Volume 3 Issue 11
Self-referral pilots to musculoskeletal physiotherapy and the implications for improving access to other AHP services
Report of work to explore the impact of opening up access to musculoskeletal physiotherapy through self-referral where it had not previously been part of usual service provision. The report also considers the implications for access to other allied health professions services. Findings highlight benefits to patients and services.
(Published October 2008, 32 pages)
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9:47 AM
Keywords: Allied Health Professions, Physiotherapy, Self Assessment, Self Care, Self Referral, Volume 3 Issue 11, Waiting Times
Integrated care pilot programme - prospectus for potential pilots
The Primary and Community Care Strategy announced that the Department would pilot new clinically-led models of integrated care. This prospectus invites innovative applications from clinicians, care professionals and managers. It sets out the scope of the programme and the process for selection.
(Published October 2008)
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9:46 AM
Keywords: Integrated Services, Volume 3 Issue 11
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9:45 AM
Keywords: Volume 3 Issue 11