Tuesday, March 17, 2009
NICE has published six new commissioning guides
The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) has published six new commissioning guides to help the NHS in England effectively commission evidence-based care for patients. The guides cover services for:
- otitis media with effusion
- patient education for people with type 2 diabetes
- diagnosis and initial management of stroke
- diagnosis and initial management of transient ischaemic attack
- attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults and young people in transition
- insulin pump therapy.
To access the guides go to: www.nice.org.uk/CommissioningGuides. Ideas for future topic specific guides can be emailed to commissioningguides@nice.org.uk
For more information call Kristin O’Leary on 0161 870 3138 or email kristin.oleary@nice.org.uk.
Posted by
12:02 PM
Keywords: ADHD, Commissioning, Diabetes, Diagnosis, Health Education, Heart Disease, Insulin Pump Therapy, Otitis Media, Patient Education, Practice Based Commissioning, Stroke, Volume 4 Issue 3
Securing better health for children and young people through world class commissioning
This guide to commissioning will support commissioners in delivering the vision set out in the accompanying child health strategy, Healthy lives, brighter futures by (a) using the world class commissioning competencies and (b) aligning the commissioning cycles across agencies.
Published February 2009, 22 pages
Posted by
11:59 AM
Keywords: Commissioning, Commissioning Cycle, Competencies, Volume 4 Issue 3, World Class Commissioning
Commissioning healthcare in prisons
The results of joint work between the Healthcare Commission and Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Prisons in 2007/08 - This report gives the findings from the inspections of prisons during 2007/08 relating to the delivery of healthcare and the management of substance misuse. It gives recommendations for primary care trusts on how to improve services.
Published February 2009, 20 pages
Posted by
11:57 AM
Keywords: Commissioning, PCTs, Prison Health Service, Prisons, Quality, Volume 4 Issue 3
Commissioning of oral healthcare
An Independent commission has been established to examine the commissioning of oral healthcare in England and Wales.
Posted by
11:53 AM
Keywords: Commissioning, Dental Health, Volume 4 Issue 3
Clinical commissioning: our vision for practice-based commissioning
This document sets out a vision for clinical commissioning, the hallmarks of successful clinical commissioning, the support and entitlements that practice-based commissioners can expect, and the principles underpinning vibrant, productive partnerships between PCTs and their clinical communities.
Published March 2009, 20 pages
Posted by
11:51 AM
Keywords: Commissioning, PCTs, Practice Based Commissioning, Volume 4 Issue 3
Practice based commissioning drive begins in Brent
The first project in a new government funded drive to improve practice based commissioning has been launched in Brent. Brent primary care trust will work with a partnership of NHS Alliance and Humana to develop the skills of clinicians and managers.
Published March 2009, 1 page
Posted by
11:49 AM
Keywords: Practice Based Commissioning, Quality, Volume 4 Issue 3
Compact Commissioning Guidance
This is the first in a series of Compact implementation guidance and is designed to facilitate better working relationships between commissioners of services in national and local public sector bodies and third sector organisations. It identifies current Compact principles and demonstrates where and how they can be applied to commissioning to deliver better outcomes and improve performance. It also highlights those Compact principles relevant to third sector organisations involved in commissioning.
Published February 2009, 20 pages
Posted by
11:36 AM
Keywords: Commissioning, Outcomes, Third Sector, Volume 4 Issue 3, Voluntary Sector
Practice-based commissioning budget guidance for 2009/10
PCTs are responsible for ensuring that practices receive an indicative budget that reflects the needs of their population as accurately as possible. This allows a practice to access a 'fair share' of the resources available to the whole of the PCT for its patients. The Department has updated the toolkit that can be used to determine weighted capitation indicative budgets at practice level. This is part of the DH ongoing commitment to refine the methodology and improve accuracy.
To accompany the toolkit the DH have also produced guidance which sets out:
- Changes to the recommended methodology for deriving practices fair shares for 2009/10
- Changes to the minimum pace of change to practices budgets for 2009/10
- Information on how to use a new toolkit that can help PCT set budgets
Posted by
11:34 AM
Keywords: Commissioning, Financial Management, Practice Based Commissioning, Primary Care, Tools, Volume 4 Issue 3
National Programme for Third Sector Commissioning
Based on research by nef (the new economics foundation), the National Programme for Third Sector Commissioning has published the report 'A better return' on how spending on public services can be directed to achieve the best return for communities, the environment and the public purse.
Published January 2008, 29 pages
Posted by
11:28 AM
Keywords: Commissioning, Third Sector, Value for Money, Volume 4 Issue 3, Voluntary Sector
CATS to cut waiting times for patients
MOBILE treatment units are travelling around Greater Manchester as part of a £172m private health contract to cut waiting times.
Published February 2009
Posted by
11:26 AM
Keywords: Access, CATS, Primary Care, Private Sector, Volume 4 Issue 3
RSS Feed
Also available as RSS (BBC What is RSS?), the easiest way to keep up to date with new material on web pages without any effort.
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11:25 AM
Keywords: RSS, Volume 4 Issue 3