Tuesday, April 14, 2009
NHS Stop Smoking Services: service and monitoring guidance 2009/10
This document provides best practice guidance relevant to the provision of all NHS stop smoking interventions and sets out fundamental quality principles for the delivery of services which can be used to inform the development of local commissioning arrangements. It also includes full details of the data reporting requirements for NHS Stop Smoking Services.
Published March 2009, 113 pages
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6:47 AM
Keywords: Commissioning, Quality, Smoking Cessation, Volume 4 Issue 4
Invitation to become a commissioning pathfinder
The Department for Health is seeking applications to support world class commissioning for children and young people with speech, language and communications needs. (SLCN) As part of a wider programme of work around SLCN, applications are sought for commissioning pathfinders to test ways of improving how these services are commissioned and the outcomes for children and young people using them. Pathfinder selection will involve a two stage process. Stage one will comprise 2 bidder workshops on 14 April 2009 in London and 28 April 2009 in Birmingham. Written applications should be submitted by 18 May 2009. Stage two will involve a review of the applications, at national and regional level, with an announcement by mid-July 2009.
March 2009
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6:47 AM
Keywords: Children, Speech and Language Therapy, Volume 4 Issue 4, World Class Commissioning
Guidance on NHS patients who wish to pay for additional private care
Following a 12 week consultation, from 4 November 2008 to 27 January 2009, the Department of Health has now published final guidance on NHS patients wishing to pay for additional private care, alongside a Government response to the consultation. This follows the publication on 4 November 2008 of Professor Mike Richards’s report Improving access to medicines for NHS patients, and the Secretary of State’s announcement of a package of measures in response, designed to make more drugs available to NHS patients free of charge on the NHS. These measures, such as the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence’s introduction of greater flexibility into its appraisal of more expensive drugs for end of life conditions, should minimise the number of patients who will ever want to pay for additional private care.
Published March 2009, 15 pages
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6:46 AM
Keywords: Cancer, Drug Therapy, Palliative Care, Private Sector, Volume 4 Issue 4
Practice based commissioning GP practice survey
This is the 1st quarterly practice survey for 2009, covering a sample of practices from each primary care trust (PCT). The aims of the survey are to get feedback from practices on their perception of the support offered by their PCT and on the clinical and financial engagement of practices with PBC. The survey is part of a group of indicators that will be assessed together to give a picture of PBC implementation.
Published March 2009
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6:44 AM
Keywords: PCTs, Practice Based Commissioning, Survey, Volume 4 Issue 4
Integrating health and social care
A new briefing paper for the Nuffield Trust on policy options for integrating health and social care, which explores the issues involved in achieving closer integration. The paper explores the discussions that took place and key messages arising from a series of seminars led by experts in this field and held by the Nuffield Trust between November 2008 and January 2009.
Published April 2009, 12 pages
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6:44 AM
Keywords: Integrated Services, NHS, Social Services, Volume 4 Issue 4
Support for commissioning services for autistic spectrum conditions
This good practice advice for PCT and local authority commissioners builds on Better Services for People with an Autistic Spectrum Disorder and is part of a programme of work to ensure that people with autistic spectrum conditions receive the right support to live life independently and to the full, exercising choice and control over decisions that affect their lives. This publication is part of a two-stage process to better support commissioners of services for adults with autistic spectrum condition and will be followed by detailed commissioning guidance later in the year.
Published April 2009, 26 pages
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6:43 AM
Keywords: Autism, Learning Disabilities, Specialist Commissioning, Volume 4 Issue 4
Opening up the primary medical care market
This BMJ feature article describes what should be happening and what is happing in relation to an “open market” in primary care.
Published March 2009
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6:42 AM
Keywords: Contestability, Markets, Plurality, Private Sector, Social Enterprise, Volume 4 Issue 4
Health Select Committee Report on Health Inequalities
In February the Health Select Committee published the report of its inquiry into health inequalities. It focuses on the difficulties in evaluating policies put in place by the Government to tackle health inequalities.
Published February 2009
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6:41 AM
Keywords: Equity, Inequalities, Volume 4 Issue 4
Other Documents and Conferences
- Conference: World Class Mental Health Commissioning 2009; Making an impact?
- PBC Connection: an initiative by NHS Networks to bring together stakeholders in practice-based commissioning.
- Improving the patient experience: sharing success in mental health and learning disabilities
- The Power of One the Power of Many
- Comprehensive Area Assessment: Framework document
- Health Action Planning and Health Facilitation for people with learning disabilities
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6:39 AM
Keywords: Volume 4 Issue 4