The Commissioner Volume 4 Issue 10 October 2009
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The Commissioner Volume 4 Issue 10
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A monthly bulletin to keep you up to date with developments in commissioning; produced by the North West Primary Care Librarians Group
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The Commissioner Volume 4 Issue 10
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10:59 AM
Keywords: PDF, Podcast, RSS, Volume 4 Issue 10
This DH commissioning guidance aims to assist commissioners and primary care trusts (PCTs) in providing coherent services that will promote breastfeeding and reduce inequalities, as set out in Healthy Lives, Brighter Futures: the strategy for children and young people’s health (Department for Children, Schools and Families and Department of Health, 2009, para 3.43), and to work with local Children’s Trust partners in delivering Public Service Agreement (PSA) 12.
It aims to: consolidate the case for breastfeeding care and support as an integral part of local strategies to improve child health and reduce health inequalities; signpost commissioners to sources of policy, practice and evidence; and set out some key considerations in relation to World Class Commissioning competencies within the three phases of the commissioning cycle.
It is recognised that commissioners will be operating in varied contexts - some will already have well-developed joint commissioning and Children’s Trust arrangements in place, while others will be at different stages of development.
Published October 2009, 58 pages
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10:55 AM
Keywords: Breast Feeding, Commissioning, Commissioning Cycle, Competencies, Equity, Inequalities, Volume 4 Issue 10
The WCC assurance handbook sets out guidance on the content and process for SHAs and PCTs in implementing the assurance system for world class commissioning.
The Year 2 WCC assurance handbook is designed to focus on the key changes for the world class commissioning assurance framework, content and process for this year. While it does not repeat all the details of last year’s handbook (particularly where content remains the same), it provides sufficient overview to stand alone.
Published September 2009, 112 pages
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10:54 AM
Keywords: Assurance, Commissioning, Process, Quality, Volume 4 Issue 10
This is the eighth quarterly practice survey for 2009, covering a sample of practices from each primary care trust (PCT), conducted between June and August 2009. The aims of the survey are to get feedback from practices on their perception of the support offered by their PCT and on the clinical and financial engagement of practices with PBC. The survey is part of a group of indicators that will be assessed together to give a picture of PBC implementation.
Published September 2009, 28 pages
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10:52 AM
Keywords: Commissioning, PCTs, Practice Based Commissioning, Primary Care, Volume 4 Issue 10
This introductory guide to the national programme of integrated care pilots and evaluation provides a summary of the work each pilot will be doing as they implement and test their models of integrated care.
Published September 2009, 20 pages
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10:37 AM
Keywords: Integrated Services, Modelling, pilot, Volume 4 Issue 10
The commissioning guidance sets out an evidence-based behavior charter model Let’s Get Moving encouraging local commissioning of physical activity interventions in primary care.
Published September 2009, 85 pages
Patient Resources
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10:36 AM
Keywords: Commissioning, Evidence Based Practice, Physical Activity, Volume 4 Issue 10
According to a survey of 83 PCT provider arms, one third said their service model had been agreed by their PCT board and the SHA before 1 October.
Published October 2009
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10:34 AM
Keywords: Primary Care, Provider Services, Volume 4 Issue 10
Independent sector treatment centres (ISTCs) provide services to NHS patients but are owned and run by organisations outside the NHS. This briefing paper explains why ISTCs were introduced, and how they are funded, staffed and regulated.
It assesses their impact so far, including the quality of their services and whether they provide good value for money. Finally, it examines what their future may be now that the contracts ISTC providers hold with the Department of Health are beginning to expire.
Published October 2009, 10 pages
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10:32 AM
Keywords: Contracts, Financial Management, Independent Sector Treatment Centres, Quality, Value for Money, Volume 4 Issue 10
This is a new paper from the Greater Manchester Public Health Practice Unit.
The paper aims to give commissioners and service providers a framework to enable a more efficient method of carrying out evaluation. It explains the purpose of evaluation, types of evaluation with examples, and discusses service user involvement and engagement.
Published September 2009, 16 pages
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10:31 AM
Keywords: Commissioning, Evaluation, Quality, Stakeholder Involvement, Volume 4 Issue 10
Each year, the Audit Commission assesses how well NHS trusts and primary care trusts manage their resources and deliver value for money. For 2008/09, these assessments have been based on the Auditors' Local Evaluation (ALE) for NHS trusts and Use of Resources (UoR) for primary care trusts. We have published a national report outlining the scores and how they should be viewed in the context of the overall financial performance of the NHS in 2008/09, which is one of a continued improvement in financial stability. NHS foundation trusts are assessed by Monitor.
Published October 2009, 84 pages
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10:28 AM
Keywords: Audit, Financial Management, NHS Trusts, Primary Care, Volume 4 Issue 10
Commissioning workshops to discuss commissioning services for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). 9th November 2009. For further detail email
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10:26 AM
Keywords: Commissioning, Conferences, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Volume 4 Issue 10
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The Commissioner Volume 4 Issue 10
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10:07 AM
Keywords: PDF, Podcast, RSS, Volume 4 Issue 10