Friday, August 10, 2007

Patient and public involvement in PCT commissioning

A survey of Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) was carried out to determine their readiness to engage patients and the public in healthcare commissioning. One third (51 out of 152 PCTs) responded. By virtue of their interest in the survey, these are likely to be among the better end of the patient and public involvement spectrum. While some PCTs have embarked on ambitious programmes to engage patients and the public in commissioning, many are not ready for the new challenges that confront them.

It is crucial that PCTs effectively involve patients and the public in their commissioning processes. A commissioning strategy without the input of the community is not worth the paper it is written on. But if they are to prioritise this as they must, PCT staff need help: they need budgets, leadership, techniques and technology.

(Published June 2007, 25 pages)

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